About Me

My name is Joe Perks. I am C++ and Java Software Developer at Canadian Bank Note Company. I graduated from Computer Engieering Technology at Algonquin College in Fall 2021. I previously worked as a Junior Applications Developer Co-op at Babcock Canada from January 2020 to April 2020, as well as a Software Engineering Co-op, again with Babcock from January 2021 to April 2021.

Job History

Software Developer

Canadian Bank Note Company

February 2022 - Present

  • C++ MFC front-end development
  • Java back-end development

Software Engineering Co-op - Innovation & Technology

Babcock Canada

January 2021 - April 2021

  • Full stack web development using ASP.NET/C# MVC
  • Developed a web app for employees to reserve desks for a period of time, from one day to a week
  • Stored data for the web app in a Microsoft SQL server database
  • Used Entity Framework to transfer data between the web app and the database
  • Implemented TelerikUI for the front end of the application
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery to manipulate web pages, and process information asynchronously
  • Worked independently in development of the app
  • Attended meetings with the project manager and team lead to identify requirements, and review progression
  • Identified and troubleshot problems in the application, and determine ways to fix them

Junior Software Developer Co-op - Business Solutions

Babcock Canada

January 2020 - April 2020

  • Full stack web development using ASP.NET/C# MVC
  • Developed a web app for keeping track of parts and manufacturers
  • Created and maintained a Microsoft SQL Server database for the application
  • Used Entity Framework to transfer data between the app and the database
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery to manipulate web pages, and process information asynchronously
  • Attended meetings with business analysts to determine requirements for the web app
  • Identified and troubleshot problems in the application, and determine ways to fix them
  • Worked as part of a team to create the web app
  • Used an Agile framework and Kanban boards to track development
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Computer Engineering Technology - Computing Science

Algonquin College

September 2018 - December 2021

  • Fall 2018 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Winter 2019 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Fall 2019 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Fall 2020 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Spring/Summer 2021 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Fall 2021 Term Dean's Honours List
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.90/4.00

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ResDesk Home Page
ResDesk - Babcock Canada

A desk reservation Web App built in ASP.NET with C#. Used Telerik UI for front end and a Microsoft SQL server database, with Entity framework to interface with the database.

Othello First Launch
Othello - Java

An Othello game built in Java 8, using JavaFX for the GUI. This project was for my Level 4 class, Java App Development.

Bank System Main Menu
Bank Simulator - Java

This is a banking simulator, built in Java, with JavaFX FXML for the UI. This project was for my Level 2 class, Object-Oriented Programming.

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